Changelog - 2011 ================ 0.13.4 / 2011-09-23 ------------------- - fix util.closerange function used to prevent leaking fds on python 2.5 (typo) 0.13.3 / 2011-09-19 ------------------- - refactor gevent worker - prevent leaking fds on reexec - fix inverted request_time computation 0.13.2 / 2011-09-17 ------------------- - Add support for Tornado 2.0 in tornado worker - Improve access logs: allows customisation of the log format & add request time - Logger module is now pluggable - Improve graceful shutdown in Python versions >= 2.6 - Fix post_request root arity for compatibility - Fix sendfile support - Fix Django reloading 0.13.1 / 2011-08-22 ------------------- - Fix unix socket. log argument was missing. 0.13.0 / 2011-08-22 ------------------- - Improve logging: allows file-reopening and add access log file compatible with the `apache combined log format `_ - Add the possibility to set custom SSL headers. X-Forwarded-Protocol and X-Forwarded-SSL are still the default - New `on_reload` hook to customize how gunicorn spawn new workers on SIGHUP - Handle projects with relative path in django_gunicorn command - Preserve path parameters in PATH_INFO - post_request hook now accepts the environ as argument. - When stopping the arbiter, close the listener asap. - Fix Django command `run_gunicorn` in settings reloading - Fix Tornado_ worker exiting - Fix the use of sendfile in wsgi.file_wrapper 0.12.2 / 2011-05-18 ------------------- - Add wsgi.file_wrapper optimised for FreeBSD, Linux & MacOSX (use sendfile if available) - Fix django run_gunicorn command. Make sure we reload the application code. - Fix django localisation - Compatible with gevent 0.14dev 0.12.1 / 2011-03-23 ------------------- - Add "on_starting" hook. This hook can be used to set anything before the arbiter really start - Support bdist_rpm in setup - Improve content-length handling (pep 3333) - Improve Django support - Fix daemonizing (#142) - Fix ipv6 handling .. _Tornado: