Changelog - 2010 ================ 0.12.0 / 2010-12-22 ------------------- - Add support for logging configuration using a ini file. It uses the standard Python logging's module Configuration file format and allows anyone to use his custom file handler - Add IPV6 support - Add multidomain application example - Improve gunicorn_django command when importing settings module using DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable - Send appropriate error status on http parsing - Fix pidfile, set permissions so other user can read it and use it. - Fix temporary file leaking - Fix setpgrp issue, can now be launched via ubuntu upstart - Set the number of workers to zero on WINCH 0.11.2 / 2010-10-30 ------------------- * Add SERVER_SOFTWARE to the os.environ * Add support for django settings environment variable * Add support for logging configuration in Paster ini-files * Improve arbiter notification in asynchronous workers * Display the right error when a worker can't be used * Fix Django support * Fix HUP with Paster applications * Fix readline in wsgi.input 0.11.1 / 2010-09-02 ------------------- * Implement max-requests feature to prevent memory leaks. * Added 'worker_exit' server hook. * Reseed the random number generator after fork(). * Improve Eventlet worker. * Fix Django command `run_gunicorn`. * Fix the default proc name internal setting. * Workaround to prevent Gevent worker to segfault on MacOSX. 0.11.0 / 2010-08-12 ------------------- * Improve dramatically performances of Gevent and Eventlet workers * Optimize HTTP parsing * Drop Server and Date headers in start_response when provided. * Fix latency issue in async workers 0.10.1 / 2010-08-06 ------------------- * Improve gevent's workers. Add "egg:gunicorn#gevent_wsgi" worker using `gevent.wsgi `_ and "egg:gunicorn#gevent_pywsgi" worker using `gevent.pywsgi `_ . **"egg:gunicorn#gevent"** using our own HTTP parser is still here and is **recommended** for normal uses. Use the "gevent.wsgi" parser if you need really fast connections and don't need streaming, keepalive or ssl. * Add pre/post request hooks * Exit more quietly * Fix gevent dns issue 0.10.0 / 2010-07-08 ------------------- * New HTTP parser. * New HUP behaviour. Re-reads the configuration and then reloads all worker processes without changing the master process id. Helpful for code reloading and monitoring applications like supervisord and runit. * Added a preload configuration parameter. By default, application code is now loaded after a worker forks. This couple with the new HUP handling can be used for dev servers to do hot code reloading. Using the preload flag can help a bit in small memory VM's. * Allow people to pass command line arguments to WSGI applications. See: `examples/ `_ * Added an example gevent reloader configuration: `examples/ `_. * New gevent worker "egg:gunicorn#gevent2", working with gevent.wsgi. * Internal refactoring and various bug fixes. * New documentation website. 0.9.1 / 2010-05-26 ------------------ * Support https via X-Forwarded-Protocol or X-Forwarded-Ssl headers * Fix configuration * Remove -d options which was used instead of -D for daemon. * Fix umask in unix socket 0.9.0 / 2010-05-24 ------------------ * Added *when_ready* hook. Called just after the server is started * Added *preload* setting. Load application code before the worker processes are forked. * Refactored Config * Fix pidfile * Fix QUIT/HUP in async workers * Fix reexec * Documentation improvements 0.8.1 / 2010-04-29 ------------------ * Fix builtins import in config * Fix installation with pip * Fix Tornado WSGI support * Delay application loading until after processing all configuration 0.8.0 / 2010-04-22 ------------------ * Refactored Worker management for better async support. Now use the -k option to set the type of request processing to use * Added support for Tornado_ 0.7.2 / 2010-04-15 ------------------ * Added --spew option to help debugging (installs a system trace hook) * Some fixes in async arbiters * Fix a bug in start_response on error 0.7.1 / 2010-04-01 ------------------ * Fix bug when responses have no body. 0.7.0 / 2010-03-26 ------------------ * Added support for Eventlet_ and Gevent_ based workers. * Added Websockets_ support * Fix Chunked Encoding * Fix SIGWINCH on OpenBSD_ * Fix `PEP 333`_ compliance for the write callable. 0.6.5 / 2010-03-11 ------------------ * Fix pidfile handling * Fix Exception Error 0.6.4 / 2010-03-08 ------------------ * Use cStringIO for performance when possible. * Fix worker freeze when a remote connection closes unexpectedly. 0.6.3 / 2010-03-07 ------------------ * Make HTTP parsing faster. * Various bug fixes 0.6.2 / 2010-03-01 ------------------ * Added support for chunked response. * Added proc_name option to the config file. * Improved the HTTP parser. It now uses buffers instead of strings to store temporary data. * Improved performance when sending responses. * Workers are now murdered by age (the oldest is killed first). 0.6.1 / 2010-02-24 ------------------ * Added gunicorn config file support for Django admin command * Fix gunicorn config file. -c was broken. * Removed TTIN/TTOU from workers which blocked other signals. 0.6.0 / 2010-02-22 ------------------ * Added setproctitle support * Change privilege switch behavior. We now work like NGINX, master keeps the permissions, new uid/gid permissions are only set for workers. 0.5.1 / 2010-02-22 ------------------ * Fix umask * Added Debian packaging 0.5.0 / 2010-02-20 ------------------ * Added `configuration file `_ handler. * Added support for pre/post fork hooks * Added support for before_exec hook * Added support for unix sockets * Added launch of workers processes under different user/group * Added umask option * Added SCRIPT_NAME support * Better support of some exotic settings for Django projects * Better support of Paste-compatible applications * Some refactoring to make the code easier to hack * Allow multiple keys in request and response headers .. _Tornado: .. _`PEP 333`: .. _Eventlet: .. _Gevent: .. _OpenBSD: .. _Websockets: